The Fred Heutte Horticultural Library, located in the Education Building, is an excellent resource for information on all aspects of gardening. Only members may check out books, but everyone is welcome to use the library for reference. Next time you are curious about anything horticulture related, visit the Fred Heutte Horticulture Library, we’ve got what you need!
Our current library hours are:
Saturday 11:00 AM -3:00 PM
Sunday 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Monday 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
For more information please e-mail
We are in the process of putting our catalog online. See our online catalog
Featured Books
Irises by Pamela McGeorge and Alison Nicoll is an excellent source for information about this regal flower. There are irises to suit every taste and climate. The beautiful pictures and easy to understand text will help you choose and care for these beautiful plants.
Spend the cold winter days to plan your summer vegetable garden. Commonsense Vegetable Gardening for the South by William D Adams and Thomas LeRoy contains information on hundreds of varieties of vegetables and herbs, including basic planting instructions, growing tips and days needed to reach maturity.
Conifers have been around over 300 million years. In A Natural History of Conifers, Aljos Farjon relates how coniferous trees and shrubs have adapted to survive for over 300 million years. Over 627 species of conifers now occupy every continent on earth ranging from the high latitudes to the tropics. Of special interest is his chapter, “Pine in a Cage” that describes how the Wollemi Pine, once thought extinct, was discovered to be still growing in a canyon in Australia.
Are you looking for practical techniques for expanding your plant collection? Making More Plants by Ken Druse is not only a beautiful garden book, it is also an essential manual for those who want to propagate their own plants. His step-by-step photography and clear language takes the mystery out of what seem to be difficult procedures for growing shrubs from cuttings, trees from seeds, or producing more flower bulbs with sections of their leaves.
Hands-on gardeners will enjoy Rosemary Barrett’s Magnolias. This great guide to cultivation, propagation, companion planting and landscaping with magnolias includes over 95 beautiful color photographs of both traditional species and newer varieties of this beautiful tree. With such a wide choice, your only difficulty will be deciding which ones you want to grow.
Woody-plant expert Diana Miller recommends plants and cultivation techniques for small garden spaces in 400 Trees and Shrubs for Small Spaces. Advice on techniques that restrict growth is particularly valuable where space is at a premium. Her comprehensive plant directory with detailed descriptions and cultivation advice for over 400 top-performing trees and shrubs is invaluable help for choosing just the right plant for your small space garden.
It is not necessary to live in the tropics to grow exotic plants. Will Giles has compiled an Encyclopedia of Exotic Plants for Temperate Climates containing more than 1500 plants considered to be exotic. Many plants that are tropical in appearance originate in cooler climatic regions of the world; and many true tropicals and subtropicals can flourish in temperate gardens. With over 400 pages of beautiful exotics, you are sure to find just what you need to turn your home garden into a lush paradise.