Located behind Baker Hall and along the Transition Garden (wheelchair accessible ramp) is the only public Bonsai Display in the state of Virginia. Started by the Virginia Bonsai Society in 2009, the Bonsai on display were once generously provided by members of the Society until 2015, when the Bonsai Display transitioned to being the sole responsibility of the Norfolk Botanical Garden.
The Garden provides a unique display of Bonsai ranging in style from the ultra-refined Japanese type to more naturalistically styled trees. A wide variety of species, mostly owned by the Norfolk Botanical Garden, along with some loaned trees and plants comprise the display, which is on view from the month of April and into early November each year. Expect to see on display Japanese Maples, Landscape/Forest Bonsai, evergreen conifers, impressively-sized tropical trees during the warm summer months and even a quite unusual selection of rare, Caudiform succulents.