Les’s Notes
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Salt Tolerant Plants
( denotes plants that are especially salt tolerant)
(∆ denotes plants that are especially tolerant of occasional salt flooding)
(◊ denotes plants that tolerate wet conditions and/or occasional brackish flooding)
Celtis occidentalis – Common Hackberry ∆
- native
- not the prettiest tree, but has an interesting habit and is very tolerant of poor soil, drought, occasional floods, wind, and urban conditions
- beneficial to native wildlife
- 40-60’ tall and wide, older with age, fast
Diospyros virginiana – Common Persimmon ∆
- native
- known for its attractive, edible fruit
- moderately slow to 35-60’ tall by 20-35’ wide
- can get good fall color
- tolerates sandy soil, tidal flooding, wind, and beachfront conditions
Ginkgo biloba – Ginkgo or Maidenhair Tree
- living fossil
- great fall color
- male vs. female
- 50-80’ tall by 30-40’ wide, variable
- long lived, tolerant of wind, salt, occasional flooding, and nuclear warfare
Gleditsia triacanthos – Thornless Common Honeylocust
- native
- grows quickly to 30-70’ tall with equal width, open spreading crown, light enough to grow grass under
- drought and very salt tolerant, beachfront and occasional tidal flooding
Juniperus virginiana – Eastern Redcedar ∆
- native, evergreen blue-green foliage
- strong wood
- females have attractive blue fruit
- slowly to 40-50’ tall by 8-20’
- long-lived, tolerant of drought, marsh, sand, salt, tidal flooding, and beachfront conditions
Magnolia grandiflora – Southern Magnolia
- native, evergreen
- beautiful fragrant white flowers in late spring to early summer
- one of my favorite trees in other people’s gardens, messy
- 60-80’ tall by 30-50’ wide, slow to medium
- tolerant of wind, occasional salt flooding, full sun to partial shade, long-lived
Magnolia virginiana – Sweetbay Magnolia ◊
- native, deciduous to evergreen depending on variety
- creamy white fragrant flowers in late spring
- not as messy as So. Magnolia
- moderately fast, variable size 20-60 tall
- will grow in sun to a fair amount of shade, tolerant of brackish flooding
Hardy Palms
- Rhapidophyllum hystrix – Needle Palm
- Sabal minor – Dwarf Palmetto
- Trachycarpus fortunei – Windmill Palm
Pinus taeda – Loblolly Pine
- native, evergreen
- 60-90’ tall, fast
- tolerant of occasional tidal flooding and salt spray, poor and sandy soils
Pinus thungbergii – Japanese Black Pine
- dark green foliage on artistically arranged branches, no two grow alike
- 20-40’ tall and wide, though variable and can get bigger
- prefers coastal conditions, tolerant of sandy soil, salt spray, and beachfront conditions
Quercus phellos – Willow Oak
- native
- small willow-like leaves, variable fall color
- 40-60’ tall by 30-40’ wide, but larger with considerable age
- tolerant of many conditions including salt, near-beachfront, and occasional flooding
Quercus virginiana – Live Oak ∆
- native, evergreen but drops leaves in spring
- distinctive horizontal branching
- slow to 40-80’ tall by 60-100’ wide, rarely reaches full size in SE Virginia
- tolerant of sandy soil, occasional tidal flooding, beachfront conditions, and salt spray
Robinia pseudoacacia – Black Locust
- native
- very fragrant, wisteria-like, white flowers in mid-spring
- grows quickly to 30-50’ tall by 20-35’ wide
- tolerant of salt, sandy soil, and occasional flooding
Taxodium distichum – Bald Cypress ◊
- native
- 50-70’ tall by 20-30’ wide
- bright green needled growth goes russet in fall
- extremely tolerant of flooding soils, brackish water, also normal soil, extremely wind tolerant
- cypress knees
Vitex agnus-castus – Vitex, Chaste Tree
- small tree or large shrub depending on how it is treated
- blue flowers in early summer, deadhead for fall bloom
- bees love it
- interesting history
- grows moderately fast to 15 tall and wide, or more
- very drought tolerant, will grow in sand, tolerates beachfront conditions
- NEVER plant Vitex rotundifolia (Beach Vitex), very invasive
Aronia melanocarpa – Black Chokeberry ◊
- native
- white flowers in spring, near-black fruit in fall attracts birds, great fall foliage
- 3-6’ tall and wide, dwarf selections available
- tolerant of salt, drought, and wet
Baccharis halimifolia – Saltbush, Groundsel Shrub ∆ ◊
- native
- fleecy white clouds of flowers in late summer
- 5-12’ tall and wide, moderate
- tolerant of regular salt flooding, and marshy soils, will also grow in other poor soils
Clethra alnifolia – Clethra, Summersweet, Sweet Pepperbush ◊
- native
- fragrant white flowers in early summer, pink available too, attractive to native pollinators
- nice yellow fall color
- 4-8’ tall, can spread wider, makes colonies
- prefers partial shade, in moist to occasionally wet soils, salt tolerant, can grow by marsh edge
Cupressus sempervirens – Italian Blue Cypress
- blue green foliage, evergreen
- grows 20-30 tall by 2-3’ wide, should be staked when young
- very drought tolerant, can take beachfront conditions
Eleagnus x ebbingei – Silverberry Eleagnus
- evergreen
- silver foliage
- fragrant ivory flowers in late fall, olive to red fruit, birds like
- grows quickly 8-10’ tall and wide
- very drought, salt and sand tolerant, does well in beachfront conditions
- other species also do well in coastal conditions but there is potential invasiveness from this genus
Euonymus fortunei – Wintercreeper Euonymus
- evergreen, usually variegated with several combinations, different winter color
- grow quickly to 4-12” tall depending on variety by several feet wide, will climb if given the opportunity
- will grow in sun or shade, tolerant of dry soils and sand, salt tolerant, does not like swampy soil
Euonymus japonicus – Japanese Euonymus
- evergreen, usually variegated
- grows moderately fast to 6 tall and wide, depending of variety, dwarfs available
- will grow in sun to shade, adaptable to soils, salt, and oceanfront tolerant
- scale insects can be an issue
Hydrangea macrophylla – Bigleaf Hydrangea
- beautiful flowers in late spring to early summer, flower color pH dependent
- grows moderately fast to 4-6’ tall and wide depending on variety
- prefers partial shade, thrives in coastal atmospheres, not drought tolerant
Ilex glabra – Inkberry Holly ◊
- native, evergreen
- dark green foliage, black berries
- tolerant of wet soils, flooding, salt, full sun to fair shade
Ilex vomitoria – Yaupon Holly ∆ ◊
- native, evergreen
- females have red berries
- grows moderately to 15-20’ tall by 10’ wide, dwarf and weeping forms common
- very adaptable, sun to mod. shade, tolerant of wet or dry, salt spray, and occasional flooding
Juniperus species – Juniper
- evergreen, different foliage colors
- growth habit is size depends on species and cultivars
- tolerant of dry soil, sand, salt spray
Ligustrum lucidum, L. japonicum – Waxleaf Ligustrum, Japanese Privet
- evergreen
- white flowers in early summer, fragrant?
- grows quickly to 10-20 tall by less wide depending on species
- full sun to shade, adaptable, tolerant of salt spray, occasional flooding, once established drought tolerant, can take heavy pruning, potential invasiveness, never plant sinense (Chinese Privet)
Morella cerifera – Wax Myrtle ∆ ◊
- native, evergreen (except in severe winters)
- females have gray fruit some birds like
- grows moderately to 10-15’ tall and wide, can be kept shorter with pruning or limbed up to make a small tree
- full sun to part shade, tolerant of oceanfront conditions, standing water either fresh of brackish
Nerium oleander – Oleander
- evergreen, but suffers badly in severe winters
- beautiful flowers in summer, several colors
- in SE Va. only reaches 6-8 tall, larger further south
- very drought tolerant, salt tolerant, heat tolerant, and does well in beachfront conditions
- very poisonous
Opuntia – Prickly Pear Cactus
- native (believe it or not)
- large evergreen pads, yellow flowers, burgundy red fruits, edible, thorny
- extremely tolerant of salt and drought
Pittosporum tobira – Japanese Pittosporum, Mockorange
- evergreen, some variegated
- very fragrant white flowers in spring
- grows slowly to 6-8 tall, rarely reaches full size in SE Va., dwarf forms available
- very heat, drought, salt and beachfront tolerant, not tolerant of severe winters, best left for Norfolk and Beach or in a sheltered, yet sunny location
Pyracantha koidzumi and P. coccinea – Pyracantha
- evergreen, white flowers in spring, red to orange berries in fall
- moderately fast 6-18’ tall and wide depending on variety, shrub with a vine-like habit
- tolerant of dry soil, occasional flooding
Raphiolepis indica – Indian Hawthorn
- evergreen, white to pink flowers in spring, black fall fruit
- most varieties grow mod. slow to 3-4’ tall and wide, larger sizes available
- full to part sun, very drought, heat and salt tolerant, can take beachfront conditions, disease issues
Rosa rugosa
- flowers in late spring through summer, usually hot pink but white and other colors available, attractive rose hips
- very tolerant of salt, sand, heat, and beachfront conditions
Tamarix ramosissima – Tamarix, Saltcedar ∆
- unusual pink feathery flowers in spring
- blue green foliage
- very tolerant of salt, sand, and beachfront conditions
- invasive in some states
Yucca species
- native evergreen
- tall white flower stalks in early summer
- very drought, salt, sand, and heat tolerant, beachfront
Campsis radicans – Trumpet Vine ∆ ◊
- native
- trumpet shaped orange-red flowers in summer
- vigorous and rampant, 30-40’ tall or more
- can take occasional flooding and beachfront conditions, late to leaf out, loves heat
Gelsemium sempervirens – Carolina Jessamine ◊
- native
- bright yellow, very fragrant in late March
- evergreen twining vine to 10-20’ tall, vigorous
- full sun to pt. shade, can take occasional flooding, beachfront conditions, does not like to get too dry
Lonicera sempervirens – Coral or Trumpet Honeysuckle
- native
- orange red to red flowers have a yellow to orange throat, trumpet shaped and attracts humming birds
- reddish purple new foliage, deciduous in cold winters, semi-evergreen in mild ones
- grows quickly to 10-20’ tall
- full sun to shade, more flowers in sun, tolerant of heat and humidity, occasional flooding
Parthenocissus quinquefolia – Virginia Creeper
- native
- new leaves are bronzy green, great fall color purple to red
- extremely vigorous, tolerant of beachfront conditions, sand, salt flooding, tough!
Passiflora incarnata – Purple Passion Vine
- very showy blue flowers in late spring through summer
- vigoruous, grows quickly to 30’ tall
- full sun to pt. shade, tolerant of beachfront conditions, and occasional flooding
Cortaderia selloana – Pampas Grass
- large white plumes in late summer
- light green foliage
- can grow to 8’ tall and wide, or more, dwarf forms available
- tolerant of beachfront conditions, sand, and drought
Leymus arenarius – Dune Grass, Lyme Grass
- steely blue foliage
- 3-4’ tall and wide
- tolerant of sun to pt. shade, occasional flooding, drought, very salt tolerant
- can be invasive
Miscanthus species – Maiden Grass
- graceful thin foliage (some variegated) and attractive flowers in late summer
- several varieties and sizes available
- tolerant of oceanfront conditions sand and drought, but responds well to good care
- potential invasiveness
Panicum virgatum – Switch Grass
- native
- attractive foliage in several colors, nice plumes
- 3-6’ tall
- tolerant of beachfront, sand, full sun, drought, and occasional flood
Spartina patens – Saltmeadow Cordgrass ∆
- native
- bright green foliage in summer, goes golden in fall
- requires regular tidal flooding to thrive, exceptionally salt tolerant
- alterniflora – Saltmarsh Cordgrass, taller
Agapanthus africanus – Lily of the Nile
- bold strap-like foliage
- to dark blue, white flowers in summer
- very tolerant of drought, heat, salt and occasional flooding, not for reg. wet areas
Canna ◊
- bold tropical foliage comes in many colors and variations
- big colorful flowers
- need consistent moisture
Delosperma cooperii – Ice Plant
- fleshy succulent foliage
- bright purple flowers most of the spring summer and into fall
- very drought tolerant
Dianthus gratianopolitanus – Cheddar Pink
- low grower with attractive silvery blue foliage
- magenta, pink, white, to red flowers in late spring, sporadic into summer
- very heat, drought, salt and sand tolerant, needs good drainage
Echinacea purpurea – Purple Coneflowers
- native
- pink flowers in late spring through summer, unusual cones, good food source for birds
- tolerant of occasional flooding
Eryngium aquaticum – Marsh Rattlesnake Master ◊
- southeastern native
- blue sea-holly-like flowers summer into fall, attractive foliage
- 3-4 tall by half as wide
- likes wet feet, including brackish water
Gaillardia – Blanketflower
- native
- colorful summer flowers, oranges red and yellow
- very tolerant of drought, salt, sand and beachfront conditions, occasional flooding
- not tolerant of poor drainage or too much water
Hemerocallis – Daylily
- multiple colors available, easy to grow
- tolerant of beachfront conditions, but respond well to good moisture and care, tolerant of occasional flooding
Hibiscus moscheutos – Common Rose Mallow ◊
- native
- large pink, red to white blooms in late summer
- tolerant of salt, occasional flooding, and moist to wet soils
- late to emerge in spring
Kosteletzkya virginica – Seashore Mallow ∆ ◊
- native
- large pink to white flowers in summer
- tolerant of standing brackish water, salt, and flooding
Lavendula stoechas – Spanish or French Lavender
- evergreen foliage is a silvery blue-green, very fragrant
- pale purple flowers in late spring
- tolerant of heat, sand and beachfront conditions, not tolerant of poor drainage, heavy mulch, or very rich soil
Leucanthemum – Becky Daisy
- easy to grow with show white flowers with yellow centers
- tolerant of heat, sand, and beachfront conditions, not tolerant of poor drainage
Limonium carolinianum – Carolina Sea Lavender
- native
- wispy blue/purple flowers in summer
- tolerant of beachfront conditions or marshy soil, very salt tolerant
Nepeta – Catmint
- aromatic silver green foliage
- flower color can be blue, lavender, white to rose
- drought tolerant, attracts bees, butterflies, hummingbirds – deer resistant
Perovskia atriplicifolia – Russian Sage
- handsome silver foliage and blue flowers
- tolerant of sand, beachfront conditions, and drought
Rosmarinus officinalis – Rosemary
- aromatic edible foliage, blue flowers in winter
- tolerant of beachfront conditions, sand, heat, and drought, not tolerant of poor drainage, and overly rich soil
Rudbeckia fulgida – Blackeyed Susan
- native
- black and gold flowers in summer
- tolerant of beachfront conditions, heat, sand, and drought
Santolina chamaecyparissus – Santolina, Lavender Cotton
- very aromatic foliage can be green or silver, yellow flowers
- very tolerant of heat, drought, sand, salt, and beachfront conditions
Sedum x ‘Autumn Joy’
- fleshy, silvery green foliage, pink flowers in late summer, good winter interest
- tolerant of beachfront conditions, drought, sand, and salt
- many other sedums would fit the bill as well
Sempervivum – Hens and Chicks
- unusual fleshy foliage, occasional flowers are bizarre
- tolerant of beachfront conditions, sand, salt, heat and drought, do not overwater or put in really rich soil
Solidago sempervirens – Seaside Goldenrod ∆
- native
- golden yellow flowers late in summer to early fall
- tolerant of beachfront conditions, heat, drought, sand, and occasional flooding
- canadensis is also very good
Stachys byzantina – Lamb’s Ear
- grown primarily for silvery foliage that is nice to touch
- tolerant of beachfront conditions and sand, not tolerant of poor drainage, and overly rich soil
Symphyotrichum species – Aster
- Native
- several species, colorful flowers, usually in late summer or early fall
- tolerant of occasional flooding
Tradescantia pallida – Purple Heart
- grown primarily for its fleshy purple foliage
- small pink flowers
- tolerant of drought, heat, and beachfront conditions
Tulbaghia violacea – Society Garlic
- violet pink flowers in late summer
- attractive foliage, unpleasant aroma
- tolerant of heat, drought, and beachfront conditions
Begonia x semperflorens-cultorum – Wax Begonias
- fleshy bronze (sun) or green foliage (shade), white, pink or red flowers
Coreopsis – Coreopsis, Tickseed
- self-seeding annuals, or short lived perennials
- yellow flowers most of the summer
Cosmos bipinnatus – Cosmos
- tall pink, white, purple flowers in summer to fall
Gazania – South African Daisy
- multiple colors, oranges, yellows and whites
- very heat, drought and sand tolerant
- many color combinations
- heat, drought, sand and beachfront tolerant
- discuss Miss Huff
Portulaca – Purslane, Moss Rose
- low groundcover in multiple colors, fleshy foliage
- very heat, drought, sand and salt tolerant
Senecio cineraria – Dusty Miller
- grown primarily for its silver foliage
- heat, drought, sand and tolerant of beachfront conditions
- sometimes perennial